
Showing posts from June, 2020

A New 'North American' Government

An Expanded White America For Security and Living Space Ideal Governmental Structure Preamble In the name of the Divine Creator of all things, we the Aryan peoples of The Earth, do hereby set forth this National Constitution of the North American Republic, in order that we may secure the existence of Our People and a future for Aryan children. 1: Nationhood and Citizenship (16) Article I. The territory of The North American Republic shall be a Homeland solely for the use and habitation of White people, in order that Western civilization may be preserved and White children may be raised to responsible adulthood in safety, prosperity and tranquility. We must secure the existence of Our People and a future for White children. Such is the overriding principle of this Constitution. Nothing incompatible with this prime directive may be held by any authority to be constitutional. Article II. All free White persons of any nationality, origin or previous c