A New 'North American' Government

An Expanded White America For Security and Living Space

Ideal Governmental Structure


In the name of the Divine Creator of all things, we the Aryan peoples of The Earth, do hereby set forth this National Constitution of the North American Republic, in order that we may secure the existence of Our People and a future for Aryan children.

1: Nationhood and Citizenship (16)

Article I. The territory of The North American Republic shall be a Homeland solely for the use and habitation of White people, in order that Western civilization may be preserved and White children may be raised to responsible adulthood in safety, prosperity and tranquility.

We must secure the existence of Our People and a future for White children. Such is the overriding principle of this Constitution. Nothing incompatible with this prime directive may be held by any authority to be constitutional.

Article II. All free White persons of any nationality, origin or previous citizenship shall have the unrestricted right to apply to live permanently in the North American Republic as legal residents.

Article III. Citizenship in The Republic, as opposed to legal residence and domicile, to include exercise of the franchise and participation in government and the political process, shall not be automatically conferred at birth, or through racial identity alone. Citizenship shall be earned through responsibility fulfillled.

Article IV. Admittance, residence, citizenship and the constitution of government in The Republic shall be restricted and reserved, absolutely and for all time, to those persons of unmixed Caucasian racial descent from any one nation of the historic family of European nations, who shall have no known or identifiable non-White ancestry, and no visibly non-White element in their facial, trichonic or other bodily appearance, or in their genetic makeup.

There shall be no ‘non-White future’ in The Republic. The Colored populations are abolished.

Article V. The race commonly known as Jews are in culture and historic tradition an Asiatic people, and shall not be considered White or accorded White racial status under law. No Jew shall be allowed to enter, reside or remain in the North American Republic under any circumstances.

Article VI. But for commercial ports of entry or the external territories or colonies, non-White legal persons and property are abolished.

Article VII. Banking, publishing, priestcraft, land ownership, and lobbying,  are exclusively and explicitly reserved as occupations for Whites Only.

Article VIII. The Frankfurt School and all intellectual movements associated with it are permanently abolished as the ruling discourse of ideas within society. Their influence in law and in public institutions is completely ended, repelled, expunged, canceled, quashed, banned, erased, destroyed, rescinded, dissolved, totally consigned to perpetual oblivion, and made null, void, invalid, irrite and utterly obliterate, and of no force nor effect.

Article IX. Citizenship in the Republic and the right to exercise the electoral franchise shall be divided into three classes, with each class of citizenship holding one, two and four votes respectively. Those who demonstrate superior civic and political responsibility, and who display the greatest dedication to state service, and who thereby achieve a higher class of citizenship, shall thereby have the greatest say in the political process.

Article X. Citizenship in the North American Republic may be legally reduced or revoked by a court of law, by the Bureau of Race and Resettlement or other competent governmental authority, by act of the National Parliament, or by order of the State Praetor, which bodies and authorities may also grant or restore citizenship. Grounds for revocation or reduction of citizenship shall be.

1. Conviction of a treasonable offense.

2. Conviction of a felony offense or capital misdemeanor.

3. Proven non-White racial descent to include Jewish ancestry.

4. Willful miscegenation with persons of non-White race.

5.  Factual proof of the commission of acts of homosexuality.

Article XI. Standards of race and citizenship shall be established by a Bureau of Race and Resettlement, which shall set all racial parameters and codes, establish scientific and cultural standards of racial identity, and which shall make determination in individual cases where applicable.

Article XII. There shall be one National Flag of which the design shall be a flag consisting of a white circle surrounding a blue disc set upon a scarlet field and through which shall intersect a perpendicular white bolt tapering from top right to button left facing, and on which there shall appear no other symbol or other distinguishing feature.

Article XIII. All oaths and pledges of allegiance by public officers, agents and functionaries shall be reserved not to The State or to the law, nor to any captain, flag officer, assembly, presiding body, chief or head, but to ‘The Race in The Republic’ only.

Article XIV. There shall be twenty-four National Holidays; New Year’s Day, May Day, All Souls Day, Blackshirt Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Easter Week (8), Pentecost, Columbus Day, Empire Day, Remembrance Sunday, Veterans Day, Victory Day, Freedom Day, Independence Day, Patron Saints’ and Gods’ Day, All Saints and Gods Day and Republic Day. There shall be no others.

Article XV. Whereas the Constitution of The North American Republic shall maintain a legal tradition in proud reliance on those former generations bearing the larger share of Indo-European greatness and historical prestige, the official languages of the North American Republic shall here be set as; English first, Afrikaans second, Latin third and Gaelic fourth.

Article XVI. Whereas the basis of all human civilization has been, and shall remain, the traditional nuclear family based on the institution of marriage, with the wife and mother as the heart and the gainfully employed father as the head, the North American Republic herewith acknowledges this traditional family unit and the values historically attached to it as the foundation and bedrock of The State, and declares that the protection of The Family shall be and shall remain a primary goal and supporting pillar of The Republic, its laws and institutions.

1. The legal concept known as No Fault Divorce is abolished, except by reason of infertility or of other reproductive unfitness or incapacity.

2. All racially impure unions shall be annulled at once.

3. All unions conceived without the consent of the Headman [paterfamilias] of the female party shall be suspended, subject to confirmation or annulment.

4. No union shall carry any family name other than the patrilineal name of the male spouse. Upon a lawful marriage a wife shall thereby take leave of her original family in law, and shall thus join the family of the husband and new Headman.

5. All legal recrimination with respect to the society of marriage is abolished in favor of recourse through the civil law, but for where an offense shall deprive The State of soldiers, naval crews or other public servants, or shall work against public order, or shall offend the dignity of the Natural order.

6. The female initiation of divorce and the maternal presumption of custody are abolished, except where provided on foot of special dispensation enacted by the executive branch of government.

7. Alimony and palimony are abolished as involuntary conditions.
8. No marriage shall consist of any other than that of a union which shall bind one biological man with one biological woman only, and which parties thereof shall have been born into the genders and sexes in which they shall concurrently occupy at the first moment of union.

The legal concept of same sex marriage is abolished.

9. No marriage shall be admitted without registration and certification by a state magistrate of The Republic, and in full accordance with this Constitution and with the race laws.

2: Government and Administration (34)

Article I. The North American Republic shall be a revolutionary-fascist, unitary and single-party Volkstaat or ‘People’s state’, and with the United National and Fascist Party serving as the official and only party of government.

Article II. The United National and Fascist Party shall be a multifactional, populist and racial nationalist revolutionary political party that shall be supported in the philosophy and ideology of the several Fascist, National Socialist and other Third Positionist revolutionary political traditions established in the 20th Century, therefore giving rise to a broadly composed Neofascist party-political movement for the right and proper governance of The Nation.

Party factions shall have the right to found independent factions or ‘Blocs’ and to oppose and contend motions for party policy, but shall be united in support of The Party’s legitimate objectives,, natural instincts and mutual assurances of universal security in party membership.

Article III. The government of The Republic shall consist of three branches, executive, legislative and superlative, separate and distinct.

All state and local governments, offices and agencies thereof which existed under the previous rule of the United States of America, the Old Commonwealth Realms, the former colonial powers and Indian tribes in The Americas or elsewhere, all and any Latin or creole American powers whether state or non-state, and all other former regimes, are herewith abolished.

All jurisdiction, both current and future, both actual and de jure, and set upon the territory of The Republic by any foreign, alien or pretentious powers are herewith abolished in perpetuity.

Article IV. Preexisting counties and cities within the North American Republic shall be combined to form several Republican Provinces, with each province presided over by a Governor General appointed and empowered at the pleasure of the State Praetor.

1. Such preexisting counties and cities shall be reorganized into new counties known as Shires (rural counties) and Cities (urban counties), into Grand Cities (several combined urban counties), into Burghs (militia and military training grounds enclosed by counties), and into Fiefs (proprietory rural counties).

2. The Grand Cities shall be subdivided into new counties known as Boroughs.

3. Each Shire and City shall be presided over by a Civil Governor appointed and empowered at the Governor General’s pleasure, and at the pleasure of the State Praetor.

4. Each Grand City shall be presided over by a Capital Governor appointed and empowered at the Governor General’s pleasure, and at the pleasure of the State Praetor.

5. Each Borough shall be presided over by a Civil Governor appointed and empowered at the Capital Governor’s pleasure, and at the pleasure of the Governor General and of the State Praetor
6. Each Civil Governor shall be assisted by a High Sheriff whom He shall appoint as first deputy.

7. Each Capital Governor shall be assisted by a Master High Sheriff whom He shall appoint as first deputy.

8. Each Governor General shall be assisted by a State Marshal whom He shall appoint as first deputy.

9. The Supreme Governor General of The Republic at large, who may be the State Praetor or an officer appointed to administer the Supreme Governorship, shall be assisted by a High State Marshal whom He shall appoint as first deputy.

10. The counties shall be further subdivided into Townships, with each Township presided over by a Sheriff appointed and empowered at the Civil Governor’s pleasure, and at the pleasure of the Governor General, of the State Praetor, and of any presiding Capital Governor.

11. The Townships shall be further subdivided into Overwatches, with each Overwatch presided over by an Overwatchman who shall be the most senior free member of the largest lawfully constituted and publicly unorganized civilian militia present to permanently reside within the mark of the Overwatch.

12. The Overwatches shall be further subdivided into Watches, with each Watch presided over by a Watchman who shall be the most senior free member of the largest lawfully constituted and publicly unorganized civilian militia present to permanently reside within the mark of the Watch, and who shall not be an Overwatchman.

13. The aforesaid Provinces, Shires, Cities, Grand Cities, Boroughs, Townships, Overwatches and Watches shall create such local governments within the parameters of this Constitution as appear to be necessary for the maintenance of health, order, and prosperity, but all ordinances, laws, and functions of said local governments shall be subordinate to the national and tributary government and laws of The Republic, and to the authority of the National Parliament, of the State Praetor, of The People, and of The Constitution.

14. The aforesaid Burghs shall fall under the private jurisdiction, magistracy and ownership of the incumbent bodies of militia and other armed forces, but all codes and regulations of said bodies shall be subordinate to the national and tributary government and laws of The Republic, and to the authority of the National Parliament, of the State Praetor, of The People, and of The Constitution.

15. The aforesaid Fiefs shall fall under the private jurisdiction, magistracy and ownership of the primary landlord and deedholder, but all codes and regulations of said bodies shall be subordinate to the national and tributary government and laws of The Republic, and to the authority of the National Parliament, of the State Praetor, of The People, and of The Constitution.

16. The North American Republic shall declare the region or county of the National Parliament a special administrative district under the purview of the parliament’s officers, known as a Parliamentary Capitol, within which seat of republican government shall be declared a Parliamentary See exempt from the right to bear arms, and from the office of Dictator.

17. The North American Republic shall declare the seat of The State Praetorcy a special administrative district under the personal purview of the State Praetor, known as a Praetorian Capitol. Additional Praetorian Capitols may be established in the event of foreign war and national expansion by initial annexation.

18. The North American Republic shall seek to establish a single financial district known as a Mercurial Capitol.

19. Republican Provinces may be divided into devolved provinces known as Free Republican Provinces and undevolved provinces known as United Republican Provinces.
Those domestic Provinces that shall have been created either as seats of non-English speaking White populations present at large, or with domestic territories situated well beyond the Republic’s main continental land masses shall be initially founded as Free Provinces. Free Provinces shall enjoy certain peculiar rights to found, call and dissolve provincial parliaments, and to exercise veto powers considered appropriate over the National legislation with respect to all and any internal or religious affairs.

20. The Republic may at any time create or dissolve such colonial or Imperial provinces as may be deemed necessary by government for the foreign maintenance or expansion of The State’s Imperium overseas, or to internal zones declared wholly separate from the Republic yet also subject to the sovereignty of The State.

Article IV. This Constitution shall be enforced and interpreted by a standing Constitutional Committee of the National Parliament, to whom constitutional issues may be referred for determination by the Parliament as a whole, by the executive branch, by state agencies, and by the courts.

Article V. The basis of the body politic of the North American Republic shall be the roster of all persons holding citizenship in the Republic, which citizenship roll shall function as the lowest level of government and the foundation of the state, thus forming a popular and superlative branch of government. The citizenship roll shall function in this capacity through general elections to the National Convention, and the institution of the national referendum.

1. The maximum allowable female franchise in the 1st class citizenship role shall be limited to no more than one in ten of all 1st class citizens or greater where withstanding male losses.

2. For the further prevention of beholden and subversive enterprises or the corruption of government toward dangerous or designing ends, the franchise of the 1st class citizenship role and the exercise of public office shall be restricted in perpetuity to the exclusion of all Judaizers, Orientalists, Saracens and other adopters of any non-White religion.

3. Those natural born without the territory of The Republic shall be excluded from the 1st class citizenship role.

Article VI. National referendums shall take place as in conjunction with general elections to the National Convention.

1. National referendums on specific issues of immediate urgency or interest may also be called by the National Convention as needed through special resolution, with such referendums to take place within not less than thirty (30) days and not more than sixty (60) days from the adoption of said resolution.

2. The National Convention shall automatically carry forward into resolution any petition calling for a national referendum, provided that said petition shall bear the willing and equal signatures of at least thirty-thousand citizens, and that shall have been cast within eighteen-months prior to submission of said petition to parliament.

3. All national referendum outcomes calling for the trial of new legislation shall be honored, and where specified shall be translated into a Popular Bill, to be introduced no later than fourteen (14) days after the completion of said referendum.

4. No national referendum or any other act of government may alter or amend this Constitution, in whole or in part.

Article VII. Public elections in The Republic shall be restricted to the United National and Fascist Party and independent non-party candidates only.

Article VIII. The chief executive of the North American Republic shall be The State Praetor, who shall be a capable and first-class citizen and Party member not less than forty-two (42) years of age natural born to The Homeland, and who shall be a military veteran of The Republic.

Article IX. The State Praetor shall serve as head of the executive branch of government and as head of state, as chief magistrate, as prime commander-in-chief of the armed forces and of the Civil Guard, and as prime commander-in-chief of the Bureau of State Security. The State Praetor shall not adopt the actions of a titular ruler, nor assume the role in name only.

Although the State Praetor shall occupy the position of Head of State, there shall be a more senior office of Dictator occupying the position of Extraordinary Head of State, and a supremely senior office of National President occupying the position of Supreme Head of State which shall be an involuntary office.

William Luther Pierce – Founder of The National Alliance 1933-2002, is hereby posthumously awarded the office, title and honors of Dictator with immediate effect. This posthumous award shall not be revoked or otherwise rescinded, nor shall it be repeated.

Should any person living assume the office of Dictator He shall do so as the sole living occupier, and shall relinquish said office only at death or upon a set date of expiry prior to death.
Any person appointed to the office of National President shall be barred from all other official functions, offices, roles, titles and activities, and shall be placed under the exclusive custody of the Constitutional Committee of the National Convention as a formal non-punitive prisoner of Government in palatial apartments, with complete immunity and indemnity, and for a term to be at any point determined or modified at the pleasure of the custodian party to within a period of not less than fourteen (14) days.

There shall at all times be a National President with appointment proceeding from familial primogeniture where opened by reason of omission and default, thereby supporting a perpetual, living and symbolic item of The Republic’s institutional existence.

The National President’s only constitutional function shall be sevenfold; to manifest a living corporeal presence as a positive representation of The Republic’s institutional continuity; to confer non-binding legal opinion in the extraordinary event of an unresolved constitutional crisis in The Republic; to formally dismiss the State Praetor from office on foot of a lawful Praetorian impeachment by Parliament; to assent to the commissioning of fleets and field armies composed of native republican forces on the advice of the Constitutional Committee of the National Convention; to relieve and transfer chief ranks and commands at the unanimous request of The Nation’s Admirals; to exercise the armed forces honorary rank of supreme commander-in-chief; and to officially withhold and deny the formal surrender of The Nation in the extraordinary event of defeat and conquest by a foreign or enemy power. The National President shall have no other constitutional role within The State and shall exercise no formal powers of veto, assent, dismissal or other approval over legislation, or in any other government procedure, function, capacity or office.

Article X. The State Praetor shall have the right to appoint a State Council of Ministers of His own choosing, and to create or dissolve ministerial portfolios as He deems necessary, with the following exceptions: The State Praetor may not dissolve or allow to fall into abeyance the State Ministries of War, The Interior, or Race and Resettlement, the office of Chancellor of The Exchequer, the office of Prime Minister, the office of Secretary of State, or the office of Vice State Praetor.

1. The State Praetor shall have the authority to assume one (1) ministerial portfolio for all or part of His term.

2. The State Praetor shall serve as chief magistrate of The Republic and shall exercise full and final recourse over all actions and decisions of the judicial system and the National Honor Court, specifically including the power of The Praetorian Pardon and of the commutation of any civil or military sentence of death, confinement, corporal punishment, loss of citizenship, amercement, or exile through the power of The Praetorian Reprieve, with the following exception: The State Praetor may not overrule or set aside any jury or other court verdict of not guilty, not proven, or other acquittal in which the defendant is not a Jew.

Article XI. The State Praetor shall be elected by a secondary or postsecondary popular constituency vote of all citizens in each County through a primary and a secondary national election at County level, wherein all candidates for the office shall fulfill the basic requirements of eligibility, and who shall furthermore be elected government or opposition Deputies to the National Convention.

Deputies running for the office of State Praetor shall run in all Counties by default, with all Opposition Deputies subject to candidate status by compulsive process.

No State Praetor-Elect shall assume office, nor be ensconced in ceremony until He shall have been proven true, eligible, and to the satisfaction of the National Parliament by means of physical trials for the determination of a rightful State Praetor’s necessary pedigree and complete racial purity.
Once inaugurated a State Praetor-Elect shall nominate a two Copraetors who shall also serve as Deputies for the Praetorian County for the duration of the Praetor’s term in office.

Article XII. The election of a State Praetor-Elect shall not be achieved through a simple plurality of votes gained but by the levying of votes by round, through primary, secondary and postsecondary elections at County level.

1. For each County except Fiefs, there shall be, in a primary election and on foot of a primary vote, a secondary or ‘run-off’ vote between the two County frontrunners.

In the event of there being more than two County frontrunners because of a numerical equality of constituency County votes between two or more candidates, there shall be up to three resolutional further primary votes, after which the vote shall default by order of seniority of current or former military rank or by order of seniority of age, or by disqualification.

The candidate receiving a simple majority of constituency votes in a County, either by election or by default, shall win the County seat, thus accumulating one (1) County vote.

A candidate receiving all County votes without exception nationally and through a primary Praetorian election, shall become State Praetor-Elect automatically, and without any secondary election or other selective process, after which there shall be a recount of all constituency County votes that shall either confirm or nullify the election.

2. The candidates receiving at least one County vote in a primary Praetorian election shall become candidates in a secondary or ‘run-off’ Praetorian election automatically, that shall be procedurally identical to the primary Praetorian election.

A candidate receiving all County votes without exception nationally and through a secondary Praetorian election, shall become State Praetor-Elect automatically, and without any postsecondary election or other selective process.

3. The two national frontrunners in a secondary Praetorian election shall become candidates in a tertiary or ‘second run-off’ Praetorian election automatically, that shall be procedurally identical to the primary and secondary Praetorian elections.

In the event of there being more than two frontrunners there shall be an additional ‘run-off’ vote between the two national frontrunners in each County except Fiefs..

In the event of two or more candidates receiving the same number of final County votes, the ascent to the State Praetor-Elect shall be determined by order of seniority of current or former military rank or by order of seniority of age, or by disqualification. In the event of an elective deadlock for a period of no less than one-hundred (100) days, the Praetorian election shall as a whole be terminated, and duly reconvened without the candidacy or other formal participation of the deadlocked parties.

4. For each Praetorian election, no County vote shall pass but upon recognition, and notarized attestation on behalf of the largest three lawfully constituted, independent, and publicly unorganized civilian militias with several headquarters in the County.

5. The determination of County votes from fiefs shall be the unique prerogative of the incumbent primary deed holders, who shall exercise the vote as the sole executive elector in the County.
Article XIII. The State Praetor shall serve a single term of twenty-five (25) years in office. No one may be reelected to the office of State Praetor for one consecutive terms.

1. In the event of His death, illness, or other incapacity, the State Praetor shall be succeeded in office by the State Vice Praetor. In the event of the death or incapacitation of both the State Praetor and the State Vice Praetor, the State Praetor shall be succeeded in office by the Deputy State Praetor.

In the event of the death or incapacitation of the State Praetor, the State Vice Praetor, and the Deputy State Praetor, the State Praetor shall be succeeded in office by the Deputy State Vice Praetor.

In the event of the death or incapacitation of the State Praetor, the State Vice Praetor, the Deputy State Praetor, and the Deputy State Vice Praetor, the State Praetor shall be succeeded in office by the Copraetors by order of seniority of most recent military rank, or by order or seniority of age.

In the event of the death or incapacitation of the State Praetor, State Vice Praetor, Deputy State Praetor, Deputy State Vice Praetor, and both Copraetors the State Praetor shall be succeeded in office in accordance with the Praetorian line of succession as established within The Cabinet of government.

In the event of the death or incapacitation of the State Praetor, the State Vice Praetor, the Deputy State Praetor, the Deputy State Vice Praetor, both Copraetors, and all Ministers of State, the State Praetor shall be succeeded in office by the other members of the National Parliament, beginning with the Speakers and then passing to each remaining Member of Parliament by order of House and of citizenship.
In the event of the death or incapacitation of the State Praetor, the State Vice Praetor, the Deputy State Praetor, the Deputy Vice State Praetor, both Copraetors, all Ministers of State, and the Speakers and all remaining Members of Parliament, executive power shall be collectively assumed by the properly constituted ruling body of the United National and Fascist Party for a period of no longer than fifty (50) days, who shall during that time appoint a State Praetor pro tempore who shall hold office for a maximum of one (1) year, and until a special Praetorian election can be held.

2. The State Praetor may be simultaneously impeached and suspended in office on foot of a two-thirds majority national referendum result of no confidence. Any such national referendum result on the impeachment and removal of the State Praetor may be passed into law by a two-thirds majority in the Convention and Senate in full session without the signature of the sitting State Praetor, nor shall He have any power of veto thereon.

Article XIV. A State Praetor may only assume office upon having already appointed a State Vice Praetor, Deputy State Praetor and Deputy State Vice Praetor from among the deputies of the National Convention. Once inaugurated those chosen shall nominate a Deputy, Vice and Deputy Vice Copraetors who shall also serve as Deputies for the Deputy, Vice and Deputy Vice Praetorian County for the duration of their terms in office.

Article XV. The longest serving elected government Deputy of The Convention shall be a first-class citizen automatically.

Article XVI. The legislative branch of government shall be known as The National Parliament, and shall be divided into three chambers, upper, middle and lower.

The lower and middle chambers of the National Parliament shall consist of an assembly of patriots known as The House of The Convention, which shall be elected by popular vote of all citizens every five (5) years or less at the county level, and an assembly of constitutional loyalists known as The House of The Senate, which shall be partly elected by a popular vote of all 1st class citizens every ten (10) years at the provincial level, and with no byelections with vacant Senate seats remaining as such for the duration of their term. The upper chamber shall consist of an assembly of great minds drawn from the nation’s foremost historians and philosophers known as The Oracular House, which shall be self-appointing.

Once inaugurated a Speaker of The Convention shall nominate one Cospeaker who shall serve a Deputy for the Speaker’s County for the duration of his term in office.

Once inaugurated a Senate or Speaker’s constituency seat shall become vacant automatically.

Article XVII. The National Parliament shall be tricameral, unless another chamber shall be vacant in one or more elements. A National Parliament with a wholly or partially vacant Senate or upper chamber shall function as a unicameral body with acts of parliament set to expire after a period not exceeding ten (10) years.

Article XVIII. The National Parliament shall enjoy certain prerogative powers in the administration of The Republic. These powers that shall be known as Parliamentary Prerogative Powers shall be.

1. The power to ratify treaties.

2. The power to declare war.

3. The power to levy duties and taxes within the Republican Provinces and Parliamentary Capitols, except for such duties as may be levied upon foreign imports, border tolls, visas and aliens.

4. The power to maintain the jurisdiction and standing of Republican Provinces and Parliamentary Capitols.

5. The power to pay ransoms and other imposts to foreigners from the national treasury.

6. The power to elect and declare Dictatorships.

Article XIX. The State Praetor shall enjoy certain prerogative powers, immunities and indemnities in the administration of The Republic. These powers and immunities, that shall be exclusive to the State Praetorcy, shall be.

1. Immunity and indemnity from licensing.

2. Immunity and indemnity from requirement to bear passports, passes and certificates.

3. Immunity and indemnity from taxation, duties, tolls and other imposts.

4. Immunity and indemnity from prosecution, court subpoena and liability.

5. The power to levy duties and taxes on residents and citizens within the Praetorian Capitols.

6. The power to maintain the jurisdiction and standing of Praetorian Capitols.

7. The power to levy duties on foreign imports, border tolls, visas and aliens.

8. The power to declare and assume guardianship over orphaned minors.

9. The power to grant rights to initiate divorce proceedings to women.

10. The power to declare and assume ownership over any unclaimed property or unowned wealth.

11. The power to seize and destroy property as required or permitted by law.

12. The power to detain, arrest, hold, question, enslave, punish or dispense with any non-citizen within the custody of The State who shall not be a lawful resident or alien, and by any means.

13. The power to exclude, deport or expel foreign nationals.

14. The power to formally annex foreign territorial bodies to The Republic or to The Republic’s external domains, colonies and empires.

Article XX. The National Parliament shall assume full vested sovereignty from The Race and Nation directly, thus establishing a limited state of race based Parliamentary Sovereignty that shall be encapsulated in the following three general principles.

1. The National Parliament shall enjoy the right to make laws concerning any matter not expressly restricted by The Constitution.

2. No assembly of The National Parliament may bind a future assembly; that is no assembly of The National Parliament shall pass any law that cannot be changed or reversed by a future assembly.

3. No constitutionally sound Act of Law passed by The National Parliament may be questioned or suspended by the courts, or by any other body or authority other than the State Praetor in His constitutional capacity and character.

Article XXI. The lower house of parliament [The House of The Convention] shall consist of six elements: Government; Opposition; Deputies from the armed forces; the publicly unorganized civilian militia; several National Syndicates of industry for trade and commerce; and non-voting Ministers of State.

Geographic Deputies of The Convention shall be elected by popular vote of the citizenship roll on the basis of two Government members and one Opposition member per county: Each shall be elected by direct popular vote of all citizens within their respective county, through a primary election wherein all candidates for the office shall fulfill the basic requirements of eligibility.

Subsequent to the primary conventional election, a secondary or ‘run-off’ conventional election between the six front runners in each county shall take place. The candidates receiving the highest numbers of votes shall become Deputies to the House of The Convention.

In the event of there being more than six County frontrunners because of a numerical equality of constituency County votes between two or more candidates, there shall be up to three resolutional postsecondary votes, after which the vote shall default by order of seniority of current or former military rank or by order of seniority of age, or by disqualification.

Two (2) serving officers and two (2) serving non-commissioned officers from each military branch composing The Republic’s regular and public armed forces shall be appointed as Deputies to The Convention by a duly constituted body of their peers.

Two (2) senior serving officers of the National Civil Guard from each Grand City shall be appointed as Deputies by the State Praetor.

The Militia shall independently appoint twenty-four (24) representative members as Deputies to The Convention. Withstanding The Nation composed of twenty-four or more separate and independently constituted civilian militias, each of the larger twenty-four shall according to their own lawfully constituted rules and procedure appoint one (1) citizen delegate to the position of Convention Deputy, and notwithstanding shall weigh the appointment of citizen delegates from largest to smallest.

The industrial economy of the North American Republic shall be recognized in several representative sectors constituting the following sixteen areas of national industry.

Agriculture; Construction; The Academy, Training and Education; Energy; Banking and Finance; Health; Homemaking; The Secular and Priestly Intelligentsia and The Arts; Logistics; Maintenance; Manufacturing; The Retailing of Goods and Services; Science and Information; Security and Policing; Transportation; Waste and Sewerage.

The workers of each sector shall elect Syndicated Councils of no more than thirty-two (32) members, representing the National Proletariat at the industrial level. Each Syndicated Council shall in turn assign two (2) delegates from among the council, who shall be appointed as Deputies to the House of The Convention.

A maximum of twenty (20) Ministers of State [Cabinet members] shall be appointed as Deputies to the House of The Convention. Ministers of State shall have the right to attend all sessions and participate in the debate and work of the House of The Convention, but shall have no vote on legislation or resolutions.

The Republic’s mercurial district or districts shall be represented by a Deputy appointed Remembrancer by the State Praetor.

Article XXII. The middle house of parliament [The House of The Senate] shall consist of four elements: Provincially elected Senators; a National Lottery appointed through provincial sortition; various Bishops and Archbishops serving five-year terms of one in every three-hundred as and when nominated by The Church on rotation; and hereditary peers by virtue of full property deeds held in Fief counties.

Elected Senators shall be elected by popular vote of the 1st class citizenship roll only on the basis of thirty (30) members per Republican Province, and one (1) member per Capitol. Each shall be elected by direct popular vote of all 1st class citizens within their respective province or capitol, through a primary election wherein all candidates for the office shall fulfill the basic requirements of eligibility to include a private property qualification of at least four acres and an age limit of no less than thirty-two (32) years of age.

During each Senatorial election there shall be an additional process of a national lottery to the Senate through the blind sortition of all first class citizens without public office or other public qualification, thus forming the demarchic element on the basis of one (1) member per non-Fief County.

One in every sixteen rural Counties shall constitute an hereditary Fief, wherein an hereditary deed holder or ‘laird’ succeeding to office by right of first born male primogeniture in matrimony, or accession upon purchase of both deed and title shall serve as governor for life in accordance with the laws and constitutional authority of The Republic. A laird shall sit in The Senate as a proprietary peer not subject to election, recall, popular vote, or any additional qualification.

Article XXIII. The upper chamber of the National Parliament [The Oracular House] shall consist of two elements: Oracles appointed for life upon nomination; and Oracles selected for life by lottery and sortition at the provincial level from a formal civil list prescribed by House records and affiliations.

Article XXIV. The National Parliament shall remain in constant session during the two years of its term and may recess only twice per year, for a cumulative period of not more than sixty (60) days per year.

1. Neither the State Praetor nor any other body may prorogue, dismiss, or dissolve The National Parliament, except for the Speakers immediately prior to and as part of a nationwide general election or in the course of a general state of national emergency.

2. No deputy or other functionary of The Convention may receive or accept any salary, commission, fees, royalties, or other income, benefits, perks, or any other thing of value from any source other than such salary, emolument, or benefits which shall be decreed to such deputies and functionaries by a national referendum and thus enacted into law.

3. All deputies and functionaries of The Convention, The Senate and all Ministers of State, specifically including the State Praetor and State Vice Praetor, must file an annual full and complete financial disclosure statement with the office of the Speaker detailing their current net worth, financial status, all property held, etcetera, which disclosure statements shall be matters of public record and available for inspection to any citizen or resident of the Republic.

4. The State Praetor may at any time rule in the Praetorian Capitols and in the The Republic’s external territories or colonies by Praetorian Decree. All such decrees shall have the same force as Acts of Parliament and may be passed without reference to Parliament or any other body or authority.

5. The State Praetor may at any time rule in the Republican Provinces by Praetorian Decree. All such decrees shall be non-renewable for a period of eighteen (18) months, and shall be upheld, overturned, nullified or struck down within one-hundred (100) days by act of parliament in full session, but no such decree shall be eligible for legislative process before fourteen (14) days have passed unless the decree shall itself imperil the lives of more than twelve (12) persons, or the life, liberty, family or property of any Member of Parliament.

6. By the withdrawal of Praetorian Assent the State Praetor may unilaterally, whether in whole or in part, suspend any law so affected but for those laws prohibiting treason, and until such time as He shall see fit to restore Praetorian Assent to such laws.

7. Any law created with the Praetorian Assent may be unilaterally repealed by a Praetorian Decree without reference to parliament, except for treason laws.

8. Any law created with the Praetorian Assent not concerning treason, may be dispensed with or otherwise set aside by the State Praetor in His governing of The Republic, as and when tolerated by parliament, and may do so whether wholly or partially.

9. The Convention shall function not only as a legislative body, but as a reserve of administrative manpower for the government and as an arm of the civil service. The Convention as a body and the State Praetor shall assign to Government deputies of the Convention such additional governmental, legal, and social duties within the administration of government as He shall think fit.

Article XXV. The Government parliamentary party and the Speaker of the Convention shall set aside a regular day of full session no less often than once per calendar month, for public questioning of Government members and all ministers of state, including the State Praetor, by Opposition members on specific policies and issues facing The Nation.

1. Said Ministers of State shall make themselves available and render public responses to such questions, except on such infrequent occasions when genuinely sensitive matters of national security are involved, in which case the State Praetor or government minister concerned shall have the right to respond to such questioning to a select committee in closed session, under all applicable laws and regulations of official and military secrecy.

2. Opposition members and the Speaker of the Convention may require the presence of any government minister, military officer, or other functionary or person to respond to such questioning.

Opposition members and the Speaker of the Convention shall have legally enforceable subpoena power to compel the appearance of any person for the purpose of public examination with the exception of agents of the Bureau of State Security. The State Praetor shall have the power to interdict the appearance of any member or operative of the Bureau of State Security when, in His determination, it is in the overriding national interest that He do so.

Article XXVI. All members of The National Parliament shall enjoy full parliamentary privilege and immunity from any arrest, prosecution, or investigation in connection with their official duties as members of the Parliament or in connection with any written or oral communication, public or private, in connection with their official duties as legislators or members of government.

The Speakers shall as necessary convene a special investigatory committee of deputies and senators, including both Government and Opposition members, which shall act as a tribunal to resolve questions of immunity, ethics, and specific allegations of unethical or criminal conduct against Deputies or Senators.

No Member of Parliament may be stripped of their parliamentary immunity or expelled from the Parliament except on the recommendation of the investigatory committee aforesaid, which recommendation must be confirmed by a vote of both houses in full session.

Article XXVII. Laws of the North American Republic shall be enacted upon introduction of a Bill of Parliament by any Deputy or Senator or group of deputies or senators, by a State Praetor, or by a petition supported by national referendum into the House of The Convention.

1. Whereas Bills of Parliament introduced by deputies or senators, or by the State Praetor shall become law by majority vote in the lower and middle chambers, bills introduced by national referendum shall become law by a one third minority vote in both Houses.

Such bills shall become law only after two (2) readings in the lower and middle chambers, and one (1) in the upper chamber, by a time period of not less than seven (7) and not more than ninety (90) days, and only after two (2) public debates by The Convention and by The Senate and one (1) public debate by the upper chamber on each individual bill. Such bills must then be presented to the State Praetor for assent within seven (7) days.

2. The middle chamber [The Senate] may veto all or part of any bill presented by the Other Place.

3. A middle chamber veto may terminate any bill presented, or may refer such a bill on the recommendation of certain Senate Amendments. A middle chamber veto on all or part of any bill presented by the lower chamber, may be overridden and the bill presented directly through the upper chamber  to the State Praetor for assent on a two-thirds majority vote of The Convention in full session.

4. The upper chamber [The Oracular House] shall be tasked with the duty to formally assign an advisory forecast, with such warnings as shall be deemed appropriate to each bill presented to the State Praetor for signature.

5. The upper chamber may not veto or alter any bill or motion presented by the Other Places. Bills and motions presented to the upper chamber shall be passed by compulsory process, and be directly presented to the State Praetor for assent, but accompanied by those forecasts, opinions, prophecies or predictions drawn from the according facts, perceptions and discernments either observed or deduced by members of the house.

6. The State Praetor may veto all or part of any bill presented to him by The National Parliament for signature.

7. A Praetorian Veto may either withhold or deny the Praetorian Assent, or reserve the Praetorian Assent on the recommendation of certain Praetorian Amendments or reconsideration by parliament, or until a later time as the State Praetor may think fit to pass such legislation. A Praetorian Veto of all or part of any bill may not be overridden.

Article XXVIII. The Parliament shall have the sole domestic power to levy all excise and customs duties, taxes, and other imposts, including any and all fees charged by government for any goods or services whatsoever. All monies due to the state or any agency thereof shall be paid directly into the State Treasury and shall be apportioned according to a budget laid out by the Chancellor of The Exchequer and approved by The Parliament as a whole.

Article XXIX. The State Treasury shall have operational authority over all coinage and issuance of money and legal tender within The Republic, but ultimate power over all such coinage and issuance shall reside in the Houses of Parliament, which shall have the power to amend or rescind any act of the State Treasury with relation to monetary affairs by resolution carried on a majority vote.

Article XXX. The power to declare a state of war between the North American Republic and any foreign power or powers is reserved to The Parliament in full session.

Article XXXI. The State Praetor in His capacity as prime commander-in-chief of the armed forces shall have the power to initiate and implement any and all military activity He deems necessary for the defense of the independence and territorial integrity of The Realm, or for the defense of the lives and property of His countrymen, without the requirement of recourse to parliament, with the following exceptions:

Any declaration of martial law within the boundaries of The Republic must be submitted to The Parliament by the State Praetor within seven (7) days, and either rescinded or confirmed by majority vote and renewed for such time as parliament shall think fit.

The State Praetor may not order military action of any kind outside the borders of The Republic or in any foreign country, except by a Praetorian Decree, and then only for a period not to exceed thirty (14) days.

Such decrees shall be renewable for a second period of thirty (14) days should the State Praetor deem it necessary.

On the twenty-seventh day such decrees must be confirmed by majority vote of The Convention in full session, and any extension granted on such orders may not exceed a single ninety (90) day period, at which time there shall be a full session debate in which The State Praetor shall either report to Parliament the successful conclusion of such military operations outside The Republic’s borders, or else shall ask the assembly in full session for a formal declaration of war.

No captain, general or other commander at war shall qualify nor receive a Triumph of The Republic, but upon a whole slaying of not less than twenty-thousand (20,000) armed or recently disarmed male enemy combatants or prisoners, and by a single engagement in battle, and where said commander shall act as the principle director of the battle at the tactical level.

Article XXXII. The National Parliament may in the strongest and most overriding reasonable necessity and urgency, and for the fundamental preservation of the national existence declare a state of Dictatorship under one Dictator elected in caucus from among the Deputies of The Convention for a set term of no more than one-hundred (100) days.

1. No bill declaring the state of the nation to be under a lawful State Dictatorship shall pass without a three-quarters majority in both lower and middle Houses.

2. Throughout the period of dictatorship the application of the Constitution and of all further laws and regulations to the newly created office of Dictator shall be fully suspended subject to automatic reinstatement upon expiry of set term. Upon reinstatement all laws and procedures shall be completely reinstated, and shall thereby resume without retroaction and from the first moment of suspension.

3. The legal powers of Dictator shall be absolute and without any qualification or other legal limit except on time, and except that the Parliamentary Capitol or Capitols shall be exempt, immune and indemnified from the office and jurisdiction of Dictator.

Article XXXIII. Preceding this main body of The Constitution shall stand a compilation of preexisting laws and statutes of the Aryan Race, that shall come into effect in tandem with new constitutional law. These laws shall consist of:

The Senchus Mor 438 [Time Immemorial], The Tome of Rochester 1124 [Time Immemorial], The Charter of Liberties 1100 [Time Immemorial], The Assize of Arms 1181 [England], The Articles of Eyre 1194 [England], The Magna Carta 1215 [England], The Charter of The Forest 1217 [England], The Commons Act 1236 [England], The Statute of The Jewry 1253 [England], The Statute of The Jewry 1275 [England], by The Statute of Westminster 1275 [England], The Statute of Westminster 1285 [England], The Edict of Expulsion 1290 [England], The Statute of Westminster 1290 [England], The Statute of Westminster 1327 [England], The Treason Act 1351 [England], The Justices of The Peace Act 1361 [England], The Statute of Westminster 1472 [England], The Egyptians Act 1530 [England], The Buggery Act 1533 [England], The Act of Supremacy 1534 [England], The Treason Act 1543 [England], The Justices of The Peace Act 1547 [England], The Privilege of Parliament Act 1603 [England], The Case of Proclamations 1611 [England], The Petition of Right 1628 [England], The Habeas Corpus Act 1640 [England], The Militia Ordinance 1642 [England], A Declaration of the Severall Votes and Resolutions Agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament 1642 [England], The Agreement of The People 1647 [England], The Act Prohibiting The Proclaiming Any Person To Be King 1649 [England], The Act Abolishing The Kingship 1649 [England], The Act Abolishing The House of Lords 1649 [England], The Act of Declaring England To Be A Commonwealth 1650 [England], by The Parliament Act 1660 [England], The Sedition Act 1661 [England], The Habeas Corpus Act 1679 [England], The Crown and Parliament Recognition Act 1689 [England], The Bill of Rights 1689 [England], The Crown & Parliament Act 1689 [England], The Treason Act 1695 [England], The Act of Union 1707 [Great Britain], The Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873 [United Kingdom], The Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1875 [United Kingdom], The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England 1643, The Articles of Confederation & Perpetual Union 1777, The Constitution of The United States of America 1804, The Constitution of The Confederate States of America 1862, The Constitution of The State of Tennessee 1870, The Constitution of The Republic of South Africa 1961, Gregson vs Gilbert 1783, The Naturalisation Act 1790 [United States], North Carolina vs Mann 1830, The Fugitive Slave Act 1850 [United States], by Dred Scott vs Sandford 1857, The Miscegenation Act 1864 [Colorado], The Page Act 1875 [United States], The Miscegenation Act 1877 [Ohio], The Voter Rights Act 1879 [California], The Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 [United States], The Geary Act 1892 [United States], The Miscegenation Act 1894 [Kentucky], The Immigration Restriction Act 1901 [Australia], The Alien Land Laws Act 1913 [California], the Asiatic Barred Zone Act 1917 [United States], The Prisons Act 1918 [Kentucky], The Voting Rights Act 1922 [Texas], Ozawa vs The United States 1922, The United States vs Bhagat Singh Thind 1922, The Racial Integrity Act 1924 [Virginia], The Immorality Act 1927 [South Africa], Lum vs Rice 1927, The Miscegenation Act 1932 [Kentucky], The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act 1949 [South Africa], The Immorality Amendment Act 1950 [South Africa], The Suppression of Communism Act 1950 [South Africa], The Adoption Act 1951 [Kentucky], The Prohibition of Political Interference Act 1968 [South Africa], and The Foreign Law Bill 2018 [Montana].

Which documents shall serve as the official foundational laws and legal tradition of The State, abrogated only by this Constitution and by order of above precedent from last to first. As a whole this Main Constitution and the aforesaid accompanying documents shall be known under law as ‘The North American Constitution’.

3: Church & State (15)

Article I. The North American Republic shall be an Aryan and Triune Christian State, and with The Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations serving as the only official Church of The Nation.

Article II. The Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations shall be renamed ‘The United Aryan Church’, and shall be reformed, establishing and maintaining a traditional hierarchy of ordained male Priests, Bishops and Archbishops, Deacons and Archdeacons, Deans and Archdeans, and with the State Praetor serving as the Supreme Head and Guardian of The Church, and as Chief Defender of The Faith, thus forming a national priesthood of official clergy.

The State Praetor’s role as Supreme Head and Guardian shall be conferred irrespective of His own religious belief or affiliation, or abstinence thereof. The Church shall be protected by The State not only as a fount of religious tradition, but as an indispensable pillar of the secular and temporal regime and of its public moral foundation.

Article III. Each County shall constitute a Diocese with one Bishop, each Township a Parish with one Priest, and each Province an Archdiocese with one Archbishop, thereby accomplishing a uniform apposition of Church and State.

Article IV. The United Aryan Church shall be represented in a National Synod of two (2) religious representatives for each County, who shall be appointed by the local County Synod to serve a term of seven (7) years. Upon appointment they shall be known as ‘Cardinals’, enjoying elevated status in The Church.

Article VI. The National Synod shall be presided over by a Speaker who shall be elected in caucus by and who shall serve at the pleasure of the synod.

Article VII. Eligibility for appointment to the National Synod shall be restricted to those residents and citizens who shall be serving ministers of religion who shall have been ordained for not less than ten (10) years, and who shall be not less than thirty-two (32) years of age.

Article VIII. There shall be no payment, expenses given or other emolument for synodical participation or membership.

Article IX. All members of the National Synod shall enjoy full ecclesiastical privilege and immunity from any arrest, prosecution, or investigation in connection with their official duties as members of the Synod or in connection with any written or oral communication, public or private, or in connection with their official duties.

The Speaker of The Synod shall as necessary convene a special investigatory committee of members, which shall act as a tribunal to resolve questions of immunity, ethics, and specific allegations of unethical, blasphemous, heretical or criminal conduct against members.

No Member to the National Synod may be stripped of His synodical immunity or expelled from the Synod except on the recommendation of the investigatory committee aforesaid, which recommendation must be confirmed by a vote of the Synod in full session.

Grounds for expulsion or removal of immunity from the National Synod shall include.

1. Conversion away from The Church.

2. Willful promotion of homosexuality.

3. Willful promotion of miscegenation concerning Whites.

4. Undisclosed affiliation or membership in a secret society.

5. Adoption of heresy or apostasy.

6. Spoken or written blasphemy according to Church canon.

Article X. The National Synod shall be required to discharge certain responsibilities in the regulation of The Republic’s religious communities and property. These responsibilities shall be.

1. To formally oversee the consecration graves, cemeteries and religious sites.

2. To ascertain, arbitrate and codify canon laws for the benefit of Church clergy and of Church Bishops.

3. To authenticate and adjudicate questions of religious affiliation, communion, ordination or practice.

4. To sake ecclesiastical courts with legal standing.

5. To oversee or administer discipline and ordination within The Church.

6. To disqualify, censure and repudiate corrupt religious texts, ministries and practices.

7. To preside over Church seminaries and other Church institutions.

8. To regulate public amenities and facilities under the control or purview of ecclesiastic authorities, or in respect to clerical or episcopal practice therein.

9. To commission investigations concerning ecclesiastical affairs within The Republic.

10. To suspend or restore rights of foreign religious organizations within The Republic according to law.

11. To assume full legal possession and ownership over all Abrahamic and cult based religious buildings, lands, property and financial assets either created, acquired or accrued prior to the founding of The Republic.

12. To elect to a life term in office a chief Archbishop and Cardinal [Pontifex Maximus].

Article X. In all cases the National Synod shall serve as the chief arbitration body for all land and property disputes concerning the practice of religion, or the claims of ownership or other entitlement by organized clergy.

Article XI. All rulings and directives of the National Synod shall come into effect only upon confirmation by the Praetorian Assent in the State Praetor’s official capacity as chief high priest.

Article XII. The King James Bible (1611), shall be and shall forever remain the primary foundational artifact of The Church.

Article XIII. The Gnostic Gospels, The Pseudepigrapha, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrines and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price, and The Cosmotheist Trilogy, shall all be assumed as new apocrypha under Church Canon, to be issued as part of a new officially approved complete Bible for the information of The Faithful.

Article XIV. The Noahide doctrine, wherein The Church shall be completely divided in perpetuity between Aryan or ‘Mosaic’ races and the non-Aryan or ‘Noahide’ races, shall be and shall forever remain an unmovable, fixed and a primary core aspect of the liturgy of The Church.

Article XV. The central establishment of dual seedline doctrine in the governing liturgy of The Church shall be and shall forever remain immutably irrevocable.

Article XVI. Churchmen shall be automatically elevated to full first class citizenship upon ordination as Priests or Bishops.

4: The State & Paganism (4)

Article I. Though The Republic shall be a Christian state, Europe’s pre-Christian traditions and mythology shall be and shall forever remain time honored within both Church and State.

Article II. Church and State shall recognize Odinism as the principle Pagan Religion of The People, enjoying nominal equal status with State Christianity where explicitly supportive of The State’s racial-constitutional ideals and directives.

Article III. As a formally recognized Pagan Faith the republic’s Odinic temples, their rites, rituals, altars and formal religious ceremonies, shall be and shall forever remain consecrated under law by way of Constitutional statute.

Article IV. As chief high priest the State Praetor shall be charged with ensuring the delivery of an annual votive offering to the Norse Gods on pain of constitutional dismissal from office, and irrespective of His own religious belief or affiliation, or abstinence thereof.

5: Judiciary and Judicial Procedure (14)

Article I. Every County of the Republic shall maintain a County Court, every Grand City a High Court and every Province a Chancery Court of Appeal to try cases, each with its own magistrate or judge who may if necessary be assisted by subordinate magistrates or judges appointed by law and the rules of judicial procedure.

A Praetorian Council of Judicial Affairs shall be maintained to try cases in the North American Republic as a whole. Cases may also be brought to a Judicial Audience of The State Praetor personally in His juridical capacity as chief magistrate and fountainhead of all justice, from whom redress may be sought by either petition or appeal.

There shall be no ‘supreme court’.

Article II. The judicial arm of government as known under the United States of America and other previous regimes is abolished. The purpose of the courts and judiciary shall be to serve as bodies for the determination of fact in criminal cases or non-criminal matters such as property ownership and inheritance, etcetera.

The courts and judiciary shall have no governmental or policy-making role whatsoever within The State, instead providing rulings for the common law and giving effect to the statutory laws and instruments of Parliament and of The Constitution; these powers are reserved to the legislative, executive and superlative branches.

Article III. The civilian State Courts shall be restricted in their activity to the trial of cases related only to offenses of treason, homicide, corruption, forestry, capital and indicted offenses, offenses committed by, against or on behalf of foreign nationals, offenses involving Jews or Jewish activity, offenses relating to Canon law, offenses against The State or against public servants, and offenses against Nature, but the right to sake lesser courts shall be reserved to all Overwatchmen and Watchmen, to the constabularies, to The Militia, to The Party and to The People.

Where distinctions of criminal and civil law apply there shall be no separation of courts, although separate jurisprudence may be enacted for the purpose of establishing separate burdens of proof or necessary procedures.

Article IV. All magistrates shall be appointed by a special Judicial Committee of the National Convention, on nomination by a State Praetor. The said Judicial Committee shall draw up and enforce rules of procedure for all courts and magistrates.

Article V. In no courtroom or tribunal, civilian or military, shall any magistrate, judge, presiding officer, or jury be seated at any elevation higher than or above any defendant or other person in said courtroom or chamber.

Article VI. All judicial appointments shall be subject to confirmation by the State Praetor in His capacity as Chief Magistrate, but no person shall be a magistrate who shall not be a male citizen of not less then thirty-two (32) years of age.

Article VII. No citizen or resident of the Republic shall be brought to trial, fined or amerced, or subjected to loss of life, property or citizenship or otherwise punished, except upon indictment and return of a true bill by a grand jury comprised of citizens of the county wherein an alleged offense was committed, or by order of a commissioned or warrant officer acting in their official capacity within a county made duly subject to a limited term and state of martial law.

1. Bills of indictment may be presented to the grand jury or martial law advocate for consideration by the State Prosecutor for the County, by any citizen, or by any citizen acting for any resident of the Republic, so long as such citizen receives no pay or emolument for such action.

2. No citizen or resident of the Republic may be placed under lawful arrest except on foot of a warrant issued and signed by a magistrate, or except by officers or agents of the Civil Guard or civilian constables acting under license, or by the Bureau of State Security in their official capacity, or by The Militia in respect of duties and responsibilities conferred through the rightful assumption of constitutionally established executive powers, and in order to prevent immediate crime or disorder under probable cause.

All persons arrested in ordinary criminal matters not subject to the jurisdiction of the Bureau of State Security, shall be brought before a magistrate within forty-eight (48) hours of arrest for a habeas corpus determination, and shall either be discharged, or allowed release on bail. Arrested persons shall be held in custody for presentment to the grand jury only if said person is believed to be a flight risk, to present a danger to the community, or to be in danger from the community.

3. No judge or magistrate shall impose any bond for appearance, compliance or good behavior for the purpose of amercing or fatiguing any defendant or accused person.

4. No judge or magistrate may order any arrest or detention in the absence of a formal criminal charge based upon a true bill or indictment by a grand jury, except on conclusion of a habeas corpus hearing and pending presentment to a grand jury within the next thirty (30) days.

5. No officer or other rank serving in the military of The State shall exercise powers of lawful arrest or detention, except during a state of martial law proclaimed by the State Praetor in His capacity as prime commander-in-chief, or except on the premises or property of any military base or installation.
6. This Article shall not withstand any statute of attainder where duly set by either government or by parliament. But statutes of attainder may be repealed by the popular branch at county level.

Article VIII. Laws may be revoked, altered, changed, abolished, nullified, dispensed with, set aside or otherwise rescinded and rights duly regulated, but no lawful public policy, nor any scientific journal, speculation or finding shall be subject to any form of litigation.

Article IX. The Bureau of State Security shall be governed in their operations and conduct by a special protocol to be determined by the State Praetor and a standing Security Committee of the National Convention. Said protocol may, at the discretion of the State Praetor and the said committee, exempt officers and agents of the Bureau of State Security acting in good faith and on foot of national necessity and in the national interest, from compliance with any and all laws or constitutional safeguards, until such time shall come when the existence and the independence of the North American Republic shall be deemed to be no longer at risk.

Article X. No resident, citizen, or other person charged with a criminal offense before the courts of the Republic shall be denied the right to counsel and advocate of His choice, provided such counsel or advocate shall accept no fee, reward, emolument in money or kind, property or thing of value, officially or unofficially, for the performance of such function, and shall affirm such on oath before the commencement of trial or other proceeding.

Article XI. Trials wherein the accused shall be White and the plaintiff or plaintiffs non-White shall be subject to all necessary standards of vetting required to show, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the plaintiff party in question shall be worthy of parity of entered witness testimony, and in being so free from any prejudiced custom or practice disfavoring the White Race or persons of White race at the disposal of aliens.

Article XII. In any trial brought before a magistrate each White testimony shall be counted as double the witness of any non-White testimony, but for those jurisdictions, cases or territories where aliens shall be altogether be denied or subject to further reduced legal rights as prescribed or allowed by law, or where the circumstances shall pertain to treaty law, or where employment to The State shall preclude an alien from such discrimination by reason of invested confidence.

Article XIII. No White person shall ever be sentenced or impuned for any transgression committed against a non-White person through either corporal or capital penalties.

Article XIV. In order to instill and maintain the highest standards of personal courtesy, deliberation, maturity, integrity and courage in the manhood of the Republic, the State Praetor in His capacity as chief magistrate shall establish and supervise a National Honor Court.

The said body shall in turn create and enforce all necessary regulations, procedures, and protocols for the resolution of personal differences between individual male residents and citizens of the Republic, up to and including private combat by mutual consent, in accordance with the ancient and historic traditions and practices of the European family of nations.

1. No act or result of personal combat by mutual consent of both parties, having received prior sanction by the National Honor Court, shall be deemed criminal or liable to legal proceeding or interdiction.

2. Serving members of the military and Civil Guard may be regulated or prohibited from issuing or accepting a challenge, dueling, or participating in a legal duel in any other capacity by the appropriate regulations of their service or by order from a superior officer.

3. All statements, actions, or proceedings by deputies of Members of Parliament in connection with their official duties shall be deemed subject to full parliamentary immunity and shall not be subject to challenge or the jurisdiction of the National Honor Court.

No serving member of the military, the National Civil Guard, the Bureau of State Security or any person acting in any governmental capacity whatsoever may be subject to a challenge on foot of their performance of any lawful or legally mandated exercise of their official duties.

6: Bill of Rights (50)

All free White Men of The North American Republic, and those of their women, prisoners, slaves or indentured servants, fellow residents, or unfree fellow subjects and enlisted kinsmen, as so provided or excepted by law, shall in their several capacities as citizens of The Republic only, enjoy the following absolute, negative and inalienable rights:

Amendment I: The Right To Bear Arms. Whereas an armed population is the most basic essential for the preservation of life, liberty, and the prevention of oppression and tyranny, and whereas the ready possession and use of arms is the most ancient birthright and proudest mark of the free man down through the ages, The Right of The People to keep, to stock and to bear firearms and other personal arms and munitions for defense of The Realm, of The Republic, of The State, and of their lives, families, settlements, farms, liberty, property, county and country whether jointly, severally or collectively, shall not be infringed.

The right to keep, stock and bear arms shall not be qualified or restricted by any requirement of licensing, registration, fee, taxation, restriction on transportation, separation of civilian and military use, or other such impediment.

The purchase, acquisition, ownership, possession, transportation, or production of ammunition, powder, cartridge casings, and other ancillary equipment, or supplies necessary to the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms shall not be restricted or otherwise interfered with by any governmental authority.

The right to keep, stock and bear arms shall properly extend beyond small arms alone to include all such heavy arms, bombs, mines, armored carriages, artillery and all other ordnances and munitions necessary to the establishment and deployment of The Loyalist Militia in a time of war, unlawful insurrection or mutiny, armed alien incursion, counter-revolution, prisoner or slave revolt, scourge of piracy, Red uprising, foreign occupation or foreign invasion, or for the common defense in the midst of a Bolshevist Revolution or other state of mass terrorism directed against the public.

As such, no White Man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.

1. This Amendment shall not be construed as limiting or interdicting the right of the government of the Republic or competent local authority, to compel or require from The People a ready and common possession of arms and munitions for the adequate or expedient national defense.

2. This Amendment shall not apply within the pomerium of the seat of the National Parliament which when not subject to a duly declared state of martial law shall at all times be free of arms, but for those arms necessary for the proper functions of a parliamentary lictorate [parliamentary bodyguard], deployed
in service to the security of government and of state property.

To such ends each Member of Parliament shall enjoy the right to appoint up to six lictors in lieu of this Amendment.

Amendment II: The Right To Muster. Whereas a free and private militia is the most fundamental prerequisite to the common defense of The Realm and of The Republic, of the community, and of the innate popular sovereignty that will at all times be vested in the powers of an adequate and well defended Nation State, and whereas the ability of a free people to rally to arms, to mobilize and deploy in good order, to resist tyranny with violence, and to override abuse of privilege is the surest sign of a true and independent warrior culture, The Right of The People to train, to prepare and to muster as The Militia, to rise up autonomously in defense of the land, of the supremacy of the native laws thereof and of the ancient customs, birthrights, honor and traditions therein, shall not be infringed.

The right to train, to prepare and to muster as The Militia and as private citizens, whether independently or in cooperation with The State, shall not be qualified or restricted by any requirement of licensing, registration, fee, taxation, restriction on transportation, or other such impediment.

This Amendment shall not be construed as limiting or interdicting the right of the government of the Republic or competent local authority, to compel or require the raising of The Militia in preparation for war, whether in whole or in part.

Amendment III. The Right To Manufacture Arms. Whereas the capacity to arrange and ensure the sale, distribution and regular supply of arms and munitions is the most essential condition necessary to the raising of local levies and defenses, of The Militia, and to the endurance and continuation of an effective insurrectionary armed resistance in a time and place of foreign or enemy invasion or occupation, and whereas the capacity for the establishment of a sustained guerrilla insurgency shall be required for the basic national survival, The Right of The People to manufacture weapons, munitions and other accouterments for the common defense, to adapt, repair, enhance, invent and create weaponry, and to erect factories, magazines, wharfs, warehouses, forts, armories, foundries, markets, gunsmiths, shops, stalls, cheaps, stores, powder mills, concealed caches and other facilities for the enabling of a general resistance, shall not be infringed.

The purchase, acquisition, ownership, possession, transportation, or importation of whatever tools, parts, supplies or materials may be necessary to the free production of an armed popular State shall not be restricted or otherwise interfered with by any governmental authority.

Amendment IV: The Right To Crenelate. Whereas a free people entrenched in arms and supplies shall be necessary for the repulsion of a general invasion, and whereas the capacity of The Militia to field standing armies in a time of war shall be required in the national defense, The Right of The People and of The Militia to build and erect fortifications, establish defensive posts and perimeters and to seek out land for the construction and armament of bases, bunkers, redoubts, trenchworks, forts, pill boxes, batteries, ambushes, flak sites, sniper emplacements and other embattlements shall not be infringed, but for the protection of property and forestry according to law.

The purchase, acquisition, ownership, possession, transportation, or importation of whatever construction materials, machines or engines may be necessary to the crenelation of private land by the owner shall not be restricted or otherwise interfered with by any governmental authority.

The right to build and maintain fortifications and bunkers shall not be qualified or restricted by any requirement of licensing, registration, fee, taxation, restriction on transportation, or other such impediment.

Amendment V: The Right To Freedom of Speech. No law or other ordinance shall be made whether by Parliament, by Praetorian Decree, or by any other body or authority, or by any person or body exercising power delegated therefrom, abridging or proroguing the freedom of speech or of the media, but as shall be required for.

1. The protection of rights determinable under the laws of torts, of contract, of intellectual property and of confidence.

2. The fundamental preservation of public order in the light of a clear and present danger to life or to property.

3. The effective conduct of legal proceedings.

4. The preservation of official secrecy, it being for the prosecuting authority in any proceedings sanctioned by this Clause to show (where necessary in camera) why the matter in dispute ought not to be revealed, and stating on oath or affirmation the nature and extent of the harm to be expected from revelation.

5. The necessary regulation of pornography, lewdness and homosexuality in a decent society.

6. The restriction of foreign powers to solicit the public.

7. The denial of aid or comfort to a known or declared enemy power in wartime.

8. The public compulsion of the English language for the preservation of popular or cultural sovereignty.

9. The proper enforcement of the military discipline due to a nation in a time and place of war, or of other such urgent and paramount state as may require the fixed government of a standing army.

The right to insult, malign, express anger and incite any action or opinion against aliens or heretics who are widely considered enemies to The Republic by The People at large, shall in particular be enshrined.

The right to refuse demands or requirements to adopt the use of unnatural pronouns, or to cede linguistic protocol for the protection of an unorthodox sexual culture or population, shall in particular be enshrined.

The right to assert, suggest or impute a natural state of racial inferiority in the Black or other non-White races, shall in particular be enshrined.

The right to make and demonstrate signs of racial loyalty and solidarity, such as the orderly burning of crosses or the raising of historic symbols and banners, shall in particular be enshrined.
The right to found, join and participate in Klans, or in other closed societies of similar appearance or character, and to engage in the typically associated rituals or ceremonies, shall in particular be enshrined.

The right to practice and wear Runes shall be particularly enshrined. The Runes shall belong to The People. There shall be no public ban, general or otherwise, on the use or expression of the Runic alphabet in public or religious discourse.

The right of any person of sound mind, sincerely intent to remain within The Law, to incite or otherwise call for any imminent action, shall in particular be enshrined, regardless of the actual illegality or lawlessness of such action.

No law, ruling or other ordinance shall prohibit any defamation that shall not directly impinge upon a private citizen’s wealth or public good standing by way of libel or slander within the public domain; nor shall any tort restrict any recording or journal but upon a breach of a domestic privacy, or of an unambiguous agreement between gentlemen; nor shall government pass any law, ordinance, legal requirement or other civil expectation requiring the private citizen to refrain from the offering of offense to any religion, dogma, creed, regime, philosophy, ideology or cult.

No statute shall confuse or conflate disloyalty to the state or to the institutions of government or ministers thereof with disservices to race and nation, nor restrict the citizen from the pursuit of the national interest through the disparaging of government, or of groups or societies protected by government.

No one shall be found in contempt of court who shall not be bound by court subpoena, court order or court jurisdiction, or otherwise placed under arraignment before a Justice of The Republic’s Peace.

The establishment of an independent media and free press, and the access to thereof shall not be qualified or restricted by any requirement of licensing, registration, fee, taxation, restriction on broadcasting or publishing, or other such impediment.

No thing other than a patented work of engineers, an official document of state or a registered commercial or government trademark shall constitute as legally protected intellectual property.

No thing or act shall be regarded by the courts as ‘obscene’, until presented and defined to within reason as being of an outstanding, lewd and sexually grotesque nature that shall be explicit.

There shall be no requirement of insurance, license, fees or any other costs in exchange for the right to exercise the public freedom of assembly, nor shall The Freedom of Speech be unduly offset or impeded by process of law or other regulation, or by damages sustained or solicited in the exercise of free speech.

The legal concept of hate crime is abolished. There shall be no ‘Hate Speech’ laws.

Amendment VI: The Right To A Free Internet. The reproduction and fair use of footage, images or literature where applied transformatively, shall not be subject to any impediment of copyright by way of restriction. Nor shall public provision of access and participation in political debate, discourse and intellectual aid through social media be permitted to censor, disqualify, inhibit or expunge The Freedom of Speech by the diminishment of Patriotism or of Fascism, but in a manner that shall therefore forfeit all rights to license, enforceable contract and limited liability.

Amendment VII: The Right To Insurrection. Whereas a free and well constituted militia under arms is the surest safeguard to the superior rule of law, and whereas it shall become incumbent upon the citizenry to maintain and restore The Republic by the overthrow of a corrupt State, The Right of The People to levy civil war and insurrection for the suppression of tyrannical government shall not be infringed.

No armed public force shall train or otherwise commence exercises in partnership with the armed forces of any foreign power within The Homeland, nor shall ministers of religion or private officials be recruited or deployed by The State for the quelling of native unrest or insurrection.

In such cases that a sitting Praetor shall be acclaimed a known Jew, Mohammedan or Judaizer or a known person of color, in a County, the right to insurrection shall be automatic; free of legal scrutiny, interdiction, mitigation or delay.

Amendment VIII. The Right To Plebiscite. A County or Township may, if sincerely deemed necessary to maintain the integrity of law and of The Constitution by constituent Militia, suspend for any period, all or any externally imposed Republic government whatsoever by a free vote of constituent Citizens, and to defend The County or Township from all further imposition and by any means judged necessary.

Amendment IX: The Right To Religious Freedom. No law, treaty or other ordinance shall be made, whether by Parliament, by Praetorian Decree, or by any other body or authority, or by any person or body exercising power delegated therefrom, respecting an establishment of another religion, or abridging the free exercise or abandonment of religion, which shall include the right to raise children in the religion of family and cultural tradition, whether Christian, Heathen or otherwise.

Any law, treaty, compact, statute, contractual agreement, approval, act of assent or other declaration made with a view of soliciting the religious conversion of The People or of The Republic, or of any one citizen, resident or subject shall be null, void, invalid, irrite and utterly obliterate, and of no force nor effect. This shall include any agreement made with a view to the conversion, subjugation or other submission of The People to Muhammadanism or to Jews.

The universal right of Whites to worship the Norse Gods or to worship within Christian Identity churches shall in particular be enshrined.

There shall be no religious test that shall be required as a qualification to any office or trust within The State, nor shall a person be excluded from holding office on account of his religion or lack of religion, provided that any religion in concerned shall not fall to within any non-Western tradition.

 No White man shall be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any religious ministry against his consent.

No money shall be appropriated or drawn from any state treasury for the benefit of any religious or theological society, cult, seminary or sect, or of The Church, nor shall property belonging to The State be either appropriated or transferred for religious purposes, but for the usual designation and transfer of preexisting grave sites and other monuments to the dead.

This Amendment shall not be construed as limiting or interdicting the right of the government of the Republic or competent local authority, to challenge or process Jews as required by law.

Amendment X: The Right To Privateer. Whereas the European Conquest and settlement of The Continents by Her Aryan peoples and armies remains the most illustrious, glorious and dignified human achievement throughout the present annals of all recorded history, The Right of The People to take leave of The Republic in order to engage in colonial conquest, expeditions and enterprise, and to viking, plunder and settle the uncivilized world or in places exotic, shall not be diminished or infringed.

Amendment XI: The Right of Enjoyment To The Realm. The Right of The People to roam, range and live off of the land and the sea freely or to erect farms and settlements thereon, or to use, larder and settle The Frontier or in The Backcountry, or to capture trophies and specimens for the pursuit of blood sports or of the natural sciences, shall not be restricted but in a manner prescribed by law for the purpose of safeguarding property, of conservation, or of establishing humane restrictions on acts amounting to an undue standard of cruelty.

Amendment XII: The Right To Set & Receive Bounties. Whereas a safe and vigilant society shall be found in the good will of a free and upstanding people through the pursuit of justice in the hunting down of dangerous outlaws and fugitives from the law, or in the commissioning of services necessary or useful to the purposes of The Frontier, The Right of The People to set, receive and post bounties for the suppression of crime, or for the lawful killing or apprehension of wanted felons shall not be infringed.

Amendment XIII: The Right To Trade & Commerce. The Right of The People to engage in trade and commerce shall not be restricted, but in a manner prescribed by law for the purpose of mitigating non-consensual harm to the community, or of subduing treason, or of the proper regulation of torts, or of raising levies for the common defense of The Nation, or of preventing undue cruelty to livestock, prisoners, slaves, or to the general human condition, or of imposing taxes, imposts, fines, expropriations or other amercements necessary to the common good.

Amendment XIV: The Right To Conduct Business. Excessive licensing and regulation of business shall not be imposed, nor restrictions placed on petty services or trades befitting minors or paupers, or upon commerce conducted on public fairgrounds.

No grant of copyright shall stand nor shall any patent remain, beyond a fixed term of no more than twelve years.

Amendment XV: The Right To Salvage. The Right of The People to acquire and accrue salvage by the taking and possession of commercial materials and cargo after peril or loss at sea, from the air, in space, or by the transportation of goods through lands ravaged by war, disaster or reduction by natural exposure, shall not be restricted but in a manner prescribed by law for the purpose of due investigation, or of the required recovery of human remains or artifacts.

Amendment XVI: The Right To Personal Affairs. The right of the free man to exercise discrimination and discretion in His affairs, or in politics, in association and in the course of business, shall not be restricted but in a manner prescribed by law for the fulfillment of duties specifically conferred under constitutional law.

Amendment XVII. The Right To Issue Money. The right to create, issue and circulate taxable and dutybound money or other medium of exchange as currency, and independently of The State, shall not be infringed, provided that such currency shall be convertible to legal tender.

Amendment XVIII: The Right To Freedom From An Overbearing Police. No citizen shall be deprived of the right to purchase, own, possess and lawfully use and utilize every type of arm, weapon, munition, vehicle, ordinance and armament that shall be held in the civil government of His near community.

During a time not interdicted by war or other state of emergency, there shall be no more than one civilian with warranted police powers to every thousand other members of the civilian public.

The power to declare a public state of emergency by government shall be reserved only to  the disabuse or interdiction of a preexisting and ongoing state of civil disorder, and shall not be made before the fact.

Amendment XIX: The Right To Acquire Sound Assets. Whereas a wealthy society is the most solid guarantee against internal strife, discord and upheaval, and whereas the capacity to generate and hold assets is the safest passage to that happy state of nationhood rooted in freedom and property, The Right of The People to own, possess, keep and accumulate bullion, shares, bonds, digital currencies or other investments, shall not be infringed, but as and where required for a necessary arrest or prevention of price gouging by government.

The right to accumulate bullion shall not be qualified or restricted by any requirement of licensing, registration, fee, taxation, restriction on transportation, or other such impediment.

Amendment XX: The Right To Private Conduct. The Right of The People to the free pursuit of autonomy and happiness in work and in recreation shall not be restricted, but in a manner prescribed by law for the purpose of securing and strengthening the society of The Aryan Family, of requiting offenses against the person, or of retaining the military, paramilitary and naval power due to The State from The Nation.

Amendment XXI: The Right of Free Association. The Right of The People to freely associate, identify, employ and enter into solidarity, to congregate and convene, and to form and to take leave of communities, shall not be infringed.

No lawfully constituted society, organization, school, charity, college or other body may be proscribed or outlawed but upon indictment of a criminal conviction factually establishing said body as a specific and actual criminal enterprise.

No government shall institute or require measures undermining the National Solidarity, or the establishment of the racial and ethnic fraternity of the White men within The Republic.

At no time shall there be any law or other ordinance either conceived or instituted with the aim of procuring the safety or inclusion of an Alien race (to include the Jewish Race) within the society of The Nation by means of public censorship, prohibition, proscription or disbandment of persons of White Race.

Amendment XXII: The Right to Boycott. Government shall make no law or other ordinance that shall require or compel custom, but in such a manner as to ensure the proper functioning of the armed forces, or by reason of emergency through the requisition of those goods and services that shall be both available and necessary in a time and place of war, or of other such paramount state as may befit the nationalization of property and personnel.

The right to boycott any Jewish or anti-White state, business, enterprise or society shall in particular be enshrined.

Amendment XXIII: The Right of Freedom of Movement. The Right of The People to freedom of movement throughout The Republic shall not be restricted, but in a manner prescribed by law for the purpose of respecting private or government property, of securing military or naval installations, of conserving the forestry, of maintaining lawful prisoners at The Republic’s pleasure, of enforcing laws for the confinement of the insane, or to contain immediate hazards of fire, disease, flood or other public danger in those areas so effected.

Government shall make no law expressly prohibiting the resisting of a lawful or unlawful arrest, nor shall trespass be made subject to the criminal law, but where aggravated or protected by court order in the course of a criminal investigation, or in respect of designated military, naval or governmental property, facilities or installations as prescribed by law.

There shall be no general or arbitrary ‘lockdown’ of persons or services in The Republic. Government quarantines for the prevention of ill health shall extend only to specific persons or parties of interest on arrival or transfer, and for the immediate arrest or preemption of a pandemic of human disease and subsequent infection.

Amendment XXIV: The Right To Maintain The Family. Government shall make no law or other ordinance prohibiting or preventing the right of The Headman [paterfamilias] to instill due deference within the family, to preserve the natural order therein, to temper, reserve and chasten His women, and to properly subdue, protect and defend His rightful familial subjects.

Amendment XXV: The Right To Freedom From Medical Imprisonment. No citizen shall be subject to medical authority or to any procedure thereof, but as shall be required for.

1. The necessary relief of stations or offices of command vital to the functioning of the armed forces or of The State.

2. The enlistment and maintenance of troops as provided by law.

3. The sectioning and confinement of the clinically insane.

4. The necessary quarantine, amounting to physical confinement, of a person for the prevention of the spread or outbreak of disease.

The right to medical discharge shall extend to all minors and those similarly incapable, whose rights shall be exercised by the parents or guardian.

Amendment XXVI: The Right To Freedom From Infancy. No citizen shall be either constrained or rendered legally incapable by a limit to age of consent that shall be established beyond the point of thirteen years, nor to a limit to age of majority that shall be established beyond the point of twenty years.

Amendment XXVII: The Right To Parity Under The Law. No citizen shall suffer punishment for breach of any law or other ordinance whether made by Parliament, by Praetorian Decree, or by any other body or authority, that shall not be applied without distinction of rank, class, character or religious or political allegiance, or of national, ethnic or cultural origin, or that shall not have been made and duly proclaimed and published in advance, or that shall not be enforceable by a court of law, and in which court the accused shall:

1. Have the right to a speedy and public trial by a jury of his peers for any non-summary offense, which shall be at liberty to judge both facts and the merits of the relevant law.

2. Have previously been informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.

3. Be presumed innocent until found guilty.

4. Be confronted by a declared injured party.

5. Be confronted by the accuser or accusers.

6. Be confronted by witnesses for the prosecution or lawsuit.

7. Have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses for the defense.

8. Have the right of assistance by counsel in all points of law and fact.

9. Be charged with specific and real offenses.

10. Have the right to view all the evidence used against him.

11. Have access to visitors and outside counsel protected by anonymity.

12. Be not subject to excessive restraint or searches, or to arraignment in bonds on a non-felony charge.

13. Be not subject to compelled searches on a non-felony charge, or on a non-felony suspicion.

14. Be not subject to holding charges, or to arrest or other detention without probable cause.

15. Be not charged with more than one count together amounting to define the same effect.

16. Be not tried or made subject to prejudiced jurors, or to selective or solicited charges or prosecution.

17. Be tried by a reasonably impartial and cognisant true jury upon indictment, where necessary sequestered for the benefit of a fair trial.

18. Have the right to request a trial by judges in such cases as shall be deemed irredeemably prejudiced by common revelation, perception or scandal.

19. Have the right to be reached verdict upon by a retired jury acting in confidence.

20. Have the right to concern or regard for truth and facts admitted and entered as legitimate legal defense.

21. Be adjudged and sentenced by magistrates who are not witnesses to the offenses on trial.

22. Be acquitted for murder in the absence of human remains.

23. Be not tried as an accessory without due cause.

24. Have immunity from retroactive legislation, proscription and punishment.

25. Have the right to plead either guilty, not guilty, no contest or responsible.

26. Have the right to be adequately fined on pain of sentencing or outlawry in lieu of other punishment for any non-treasonable offense, and to be formally apprised of the penalty amount prior to declaration and any set date of sentencing.

27. Have the right to waive jury trial for assault, battery or mutiny offenses in favor of trial by lethal armed combat.

28. Be not tried, convicted, sentenced, found liable or punished for offenses committed against outlaws or against unprotected aliens.

29. Be not subject to punishments aggravated by reasons or causes not on trial.

30. Have the right to reject criminal liability by reason of insanity or of self-defense whether personal, communal, national, familial or racial.

31. Have the right to no less than two appeals.

32. Enjoy full indemnity, immunity, freedom and exemption from all foreign law, from the rulings and edicts of an unfettered judiciary, and from the laws and ideology of the former alien and treasonous regime, or from any alien or false government or courts.

33. Be immediately eligible for Praetorian Pardon, Reprieve, Commutation of Sentence or Acquittal on Intercession, and for any offense or judicial procedure.

34. Be entitled to serve custodial sentences at the pleasure of The State and in the custody of public servants.

35. Be entitled to imprisoned political status upon convictions arrived at through offenses aggravated by White Nationalist political causes, and that shall have been committed with due regard for decency and for the conduct expected from civilized men in war.

36. Have full immunity and exemption from extradition to a foreign power.

This Amendment shall not prevent the making and enforcement of such laws as shall be required to protect the Praetorian Person and Common Law dignities of Heads of State.

Nor shall this Amendment prevent the making and enforcement of Statute of Attainder, or of a well regulated, just and necessary term of martial law, or of such laws in respect of aliens as shall be required for the defense of The Realm, or for the fundamental preservation of national and State security, or for the lawful suppression of an armed insurrection or general invasion by a foreign or enemy power.

Amendment XXVIII: The Right To Freedom From Victimless Charges. No person shall be charged with an offense where no party shall be shown to be an immediate victim, but as shall be required for:

1. The suppression of those fields of speech remaining unprotected by law.

2. The protective separation of the criminal, the insane and the quarantined from the public.

3. The effective conduct of legal proceedings.

4. The suppression of interracial miscegenation and conception concerning Whites.

5. The suppression of human homosexual activity.

6. The outlawing of bestiality.

7. The necessary destruction of chimeras or similar abominations of man.

8. The enforcement of laws of consent.

9. The suppression of prostitution of persons of White race.

10. The legal and criminal maintenance of the national institution of marriage.

11. The necessary curtailing of fecundity of persons, being of a certain underclass, who shall be shown to be utterly unfitted to beget others by reason of their degenerative or wretched position at public charge.

12. The effective levying of taxes and other lawful imposts.

13. The effective levying of troops, crews or militia in the event or threat of foreign invasion, or for the suppression of an unlawful armed uprising.

14. The fundamental preservation of the basic national security.

Amendment XXIX: The Right To Freedom From Arbitrary Searches, Seizures & Punishments. The People shall be free of search and seizure of goods, persons, property and children, and the right to freedom from public surveillance, from imprisonment, from punishment, and from forfeiture of citizenship, except by due process of law.

No warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be reasonably searched and the persons or things to be reasonably seized, or upon a case of the strongest and most overriding necessity and urgency and for the immediate preservation of life or property by a Writ of Assistance, or by order of a State Praetor.

This right shall apply both in criminal proceedings and in civil proceedings, where a power of entry and search and seizure is to be granted, and with evidence obtained by unlawful means being inadmissible in a court of law.

No child shall become institutionally adopted by The State. The extraparental society and welfare of children and of invalids shall fall to the charge of the community, the churches, the schools and of the other institutions of The People. The State shall be reserved as a paternal and military organization, and shall purposefully avoid all embroilments and distraction in the maternal aspects of governance or society.

Amendment XXX: The Right To Freedom From Foreign Conscription. The People shall not be subject to mandatory conscription and foreign deployment, unless found and pressed abroad or on the high seas, nor shall women or minors be recruited as soldiers or as other combatants in foreign fields. No person shall be land pressed into any force other than a national army in a time of foreign invasion or unlawful uprising, and for the common domestic defense, but as shall be prescribed by law for the necessary readiness of The Nation for war.

Amendment XXXI: The Right To Due Process. No citizen, having been arrested, shall be detained for an unreasonable length of time before the laying of charges; nor required to refrain from remaining in silence, until such time as such requirement be issued by court subpoena; nor required to produce papers or artifacts unless duly demanded by the security of the national frontier or by a lawfully constituted period or place of military law; nor shall any person, while in custody, be subjected to cruel or degrading treatment, or be denied access to legal advice or counsel, provided that such advice or counsel be not bought, leased or compensated with any form of payment, fee, gift or emolument in money or in kind, or with any other thing of value.

Where duly sanctioned, no assembly convened for the purposes of political demonstration nor any party thereof, shall be subject to any lawsuit on foot of such demonstration. Such demonstrations shall be indemnified with all liability passing to the sanctioning agency or government body.

No laws shall be passed granting powers to arbitrarily detain, imprison or intern on vague or ambiguous grounds or charges, nor shall the clarity of law be undermined by the enacting or enforcement of frivolous statutes.

Government shall not demand or require refrainment from certain types of lawful behavior, nor shall a government institute any measures to determine of a person’s standing in society according to His lawful business or lawful use of speech. – There shall be no Chinese ‘social credit’ system, nor shall there be a British ‘Prevent’ program for the intimidation of lawful behavior or conduct considered loathsome or otherwise repugnant by society, by commerce, by the press or by government.

Amendment XXXII: The Right To Freedom From Undue Punishment. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines or imposts imposed, nor untraditional, bizarre, scientific, sexual or foreign punishments inflicted.

Amendment XXXIII: The Right To Be Free From Double Jeopardy By Trial. No person shall be subject for the same offense or for a substantially similar offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life, or liberty or property. Nor shall a person accused of any offense be compelled to give evidence for the prosecution.

Amendment XXXIV: The Right To True Uprising. No citizen shall be tried, prosecuted or proscribed under any prohibition of Terrorism unless, and until the person shall have been duly charged with intimidation or conspiracy to effect intimidation, and with a view to inspiring a state of terror within a civilian population at large, and such as to extract a general state of compliance or obedience to certain political or religious demands or requirements from the public.

The said definition of criminal Terrorism, or of any other term acting as alias, shall not be changed or otherwise altered or interfered with so as to expand the application of language for the convenience of government in the suppressing of armed revolts or insurgencies, whether legal or illegal. Terrorism alone and the action of insurgency, mutiny, agitation or rebellion shall be held as separate and distinct in all matters whatever.

There shall be no admissible legal concept of non-literal terrorism, whether ‘stochastic’ or otherwise.

Amendment XXXV: The Right To Unbiased Charges. No citizen shall be either charged or judicially punished for ulterior causes or on the basis of solicited charges, nor subject to undue restraints or excess of procedure.

Amendment XXXVI: The Right To Private Property. No private property (to include any lawful slaves), shall be taken for public use or expropriated, except on payment of such property’s open market value, with such value to be determined in the event of dispute between the parties by a valuer mutually agreed upon, or in default of an agreement, by a valuer appointed by an independent court of law on application.

Amendment XXXVII: The Right To Freedom From Excessive Taxation. Excessive and unusual taxation, whether by levies or by government deflation, shall not be imposed, nor imposts required from the levying of incomes, sales, capital gains, migration, possessions, inheritance, broadcasts, publishings, access to utilities or purchases, but in a time of war precipitated by national invasion, nor controls on prices imposed but as shall be required for the billeting of a public wartime navy or army.

There shall be no tax imposed on the use of public infrastructure that shall be drawn to sustain any function other than the true maintenance and reasonable upkeep of such infrastructure.

Amendment XXXVIII: The Right To Freedom From Taxation Without Due Representation. No citizen shall be taxed, nor suffer imposts without due representation subject to free, fair and frequent elections.

Amendment XXXIX: The Right To Freedom From Alien Imposts. No subject, resident or citizen shall be compelled or required to make, deliver or yield up any payment, ransom or imposts to the non-White races, to a foreign power or to any Jew.

Amendment XL: The Right To Freedom From Regressive Taxes. No citizen shall be subject to an uneven tax levied from separate classes, wherein the poorer class shall be less favored than the richer class.

Amendment XLI: The Right To Self-Defense. The right of the free man to self-defense, whether by defense or by a reasonable offense shall not be infringed.

Amendment XLII: The Right To Freedom From A Standing Army. No citizen may be occupied or billeted by The Army or by The Navy, nor subject to an establishment of martial law, but in a time and place of war, of imminent invasion or incursion by a foreign or enemy power, or of an unlawful armed uprising.

Whereas a navy may as necessary be required for the security of the nation’s trade, industries and commerce, there shall be no standing domestic army in peacetime. When in a time of Peace The Army domestic shall be reserved as a territorial force, composed of professional civilians and retainers.

Amendment XLIII: The Right To Secure The Nation’s Borders Independently of The State. The right of the free man to challenge, capture, detain, imprison, deport and dispatch any racial aliens who shall be found in offensive breach of The Republic’s prohibition of non-White admittance and residence, whether jointly, severally or collectively, shall not be infringed.

Amendment XLIV: The Right of Marque & Reprisal. The right of the free man to retaliate against foreign aggression and incursion into the North American Republic independently of The State, to carry out national reprisals, and to privately raise and launch punitive foreign expeditions to raid, repel, crush or destroy The Republic’s enemies, shall not be infringed.

Amendment XLV: The Right To Honor The Dead. Each citizen shall be permitted all necessary rights of access, admittance, entry, custody and attendance as may be required for His natural desire to inter, cremate, honor or otherwise commune with The Dead among His parents, forebears and ancestors, whether recent, distant or of a time immemorial.

Amendment XLVI: The Right To Freedom From Alien Rule & Foreign Entanglements. No person shall be subject to law, or to any enforcement of law either constituted or coerced into being by a foreign or alien body, nor by any body or authority either assembled or constituted beyond the domestic frontiers of the North American Republic, except upon the highs seas and according to the traditional laws and treaties between nations where duly ratified by Parliament and by the State Praetor.

All laws, regulations, declarations, oaths and legal proceedings establishing a directive over any subject of The State or over any other entity found subject to The Republic, and at the behest of any foreign, alien, international or unconstitutional body or power are, ought to be and shall forever remain null and void throughout The Realm in whole, and with no force nor effect whatever.

The sovereignty found vested in The Republic shall at no time be either ceded or shared with any foreign power or alien entity. It shall remain undiluted within an absolute pure state in perpetuity.

There shall be no government sale, donation or other distribution of North American arms to any foreign or overseas power or administration not already subject to a superior occupation by a standing army of The Republic as an outright Imperial possession.

Ownership of land, livestock and crops in The Republic shall be restricted absolutely and for all time to residents and citizens only.

The State and its laws wholly and at all levels, are and shall forever remain the sole and absolute intellectual property of The Race and Nation and of The People in unqualified perpetuity.

All persons and organizations that shall propagate or sponsor or that shall support by other means, the migration of non-White or Jewish persons into The Republic and their settlement therein, are hereby constitutionally outlawed. All those who shall act against such enterprise shall therefore be constitutionally indemnified from all liabilities to the effect, both criminal and civil, and thus rendered immune to prosecution in all cases whatever.

Amendment XLVII: The Right To The Security of The Public Interest. No prosecution shall commence, nor any trial be held that shall not appertain to an offense of treason or the race laws, but as shall be rightly thought to be in the public interest.

Non-citizens who are not lawful subjects or residents nor protected by the laws of hospitality, but whom reside within the sovereign territory of the North American Republic shall enjoy no legally enforceable rights whatever, to include those rights to life, liberty and property.

Amendment XLVIII: The Right To Freedom From Petty & Unnecessary Government. At no time shall the statutes of the North American Republic bear any greater number than five-thousand acts of parliament, nor shall a decree or act exceed a text limit of two-hundred and fifty words. No government or any agent thereof shall enforce the prohibition of a petty summary offense nor press charges thereon, but upon the public instigation of a concerned party.

Amendment XLIX: The Right To Implied Freedom. The People shall enjoy all such rights as shall remain unsequestered by law. The People shall not suffer any statutes, rulings, judgments, requirements, legal orders or other ordinances passed under rights or powers not specially granted by law in the administration or execution of government.

Amendment L: The Right To Constitutional Redress. Any subject of The State whose rights recognized in this Bill of Rights may have been infringed shall in all cases have the right to an effective remedy on application to a court of law, to The National Parliament, or through the national referendum initiative.

In any conflict of laws, whether explicit or by implied repeal, this Bill of Rights shall be received by the courts, by The State Praetorcy and by all institutions of government as Constitutional Statute.

7:  Bill of Duties (30)

All free White Men of The North American Republic, and those of their women, prisoners, slaves or indentured servants, unfree fellow subjects and enlisted kinsmen, as so provided or excepted by law, shall in their several capacities as residents and citizens of The Republic, be charged with the following duties on pain of outlawry or other reduction in citizenship or residence status, or of civil amercement.

Reform I: The Duty of National Service. All able residents and citizens must serve a basic term of active duty in the armed forces and a set term in the reserves. All residents and citizens who by reason of condition are not subject to mandatory military service as stipulated above, must complete a term of national service to The State and community, the duration and nature of which shall be determined by law.

Reform II: The Duty of National Protection. All able residents and citizens must register for active duty and deployment in the armed forces, or as a part of The Militia, in the event and in a place of foreign invasion or unlawful armed uprising in The Homeland for a period not to exceed one quarter of the average national lifespan.

Reform III: The Duty of The Security From Foreign Invasion Through The Retention of Arms. All servicemen shall upon honorable discharge take personal possession of all such small arms and munitions acquired in The Republic’s service through deployment in the armed forces, and shall perpetually maintain them to within good working condition.

Reform IV: The Duty of The Security From Foreign Invasion Through The Establishment of The Militia. Each able resident and citizen shall form The Loyalist Militia by the association of at least one civilian society of paramilitary arms, of no less than four fit and ready persons who shall be residents in the same County.

Reform V. The Duty of The Security From Foreign Invasion Through The Maintenance of The Militia. The People shall jointly or severally own, possess and maintain sufficient stores and supplies of weapons, munitions, rations and other accouterments to equip a standing army through The Militia as may be needed in time of war, unlawful uprising or enemy invasion, and shall undertake all such military training as shall be required in order to justify the keeping and maintaining of The Militia’s arms.
Reform VI: The Duty of Cultural Transmission. The People shall imbue their offspring with the lore and history of our race and nation, its beginnings and ends, strifes and triumphs, religiosity and culture, and in the necessity of The Race’s interminable continuation in perpetuity as a pure and unadulterated European-Aryan bloodline.

Prestigious statues or monuments shall not suffer disestablishment nor defacement, and with each of those unduly interfered with, whether by offense or in the course of The Revolution or its Iconoclasm, being restored to their original glory and efficacy.

The Parliament shall establish and maintain a National Parliamentary Library for the keeping of a concise and dignified History of Our race and nation and of The State and its origins, and shall make such contents therein available to all residents and citizens in each constitutional language of The National State.

Reform VII: The Duty of The Due Maintenance of Government. The People shall render up such dues, imposts, and aid as shall be reasonably judged necessary for the maintenance and protection of the good and well-ordered state of The Republic, and of the capable power of The Republic’s armed forces.

Reform VIII: The Duty of Participation in The National Census. The People shall regularly advise The Republic’s national census of the following.

1. Names of persons.

2. Occupations.

3. Years of ages.

4. States of pregnancy of women.

5.  Fitness for military duties of both young and middle aged conscriptables.

Reform IX: The Duty of The Disestablishment of Miscegenation. The People shall refrain from the abomination of sexual congress or contact with non-Whites.

Reform X: The Duty of The Disestablishment of Homosexuality. The People shall refrain from the abomination of homosexuality.

Reform XI: The Duty of The Security From Social Discord. The People shall refrain from abandonment, gross neglect or abuse of Aryan marriage, or of the institution of The Aryan Family.

 Reform XII: The Duty of The Security From Academic Subversion. All residents and citizens admitted to university enrollment shall at the point of induction swear an additional oath of particular allegiance to The Republic for the duration of their university placement, its laws and institutions. No student shall graduate without initiation and membership to an active Loyalist Militia founded and established for the common defense by persons of their Year or Form.

Reform XIII: The Duty of Racial Allegiance. The People shall refrain from offering any sort of political submission or racial atonement to any foreign power or people, or to persons of non-White race.

Reform XIV. The Duty of Party Incorporation. Each free and upstanding citizen, being Loyal to The Constitution and to The Race, shall have the right to purchase equal general membership in the constitutional political party of The State, and to meaningfully participate in the political and social programs and activity thereof.

To express decent, opposition, controversy and detraction within the political arena of The Party through oratory, speech, comments, essays, rhetoric, collaboration and the founding of political divisions and Tendencies, to freely run for nominations within The Party without compulsion of reference or deferment, and to freely stand as candidates within their resident county, whether jointly or independently.

Reform XV: The Duty of The Criminal Bounty. All citizens and residents who shall apprehend or bring to justice a fugitive from the law shall receive bounties proportional to their public service, and which shall be paid from the national treasury.

Reform XVI: The Duty of The Security From A Cashless Society. No bank, building society or other financial institution shall refuse to tender any transaction of legal tender in cash, nor obfuscate the due procedure thereof by the insistence of other means.

Reform XVII: The Duty of The Security From National Degeneration. The People shall refrain from entry into harmful addiction.

Reform XVIII: The Duty of The National Piety. The People shall attend and participate in traditional church services, or other religious or political services of similar moral character on The Sunday Sabbath, or shall pay a scutage in lieu of attendance unless excused by reason of ill health, old age or other incapacity.

Reform XIX: The Duty of The Disestablishment of Usury. No person, corporation, institution, or government body or authority shall charge any form of interest to a citizen or resident.

Reform XX: The Duty of Backed Tender. All Government currency issued publicly as legal tender shall be exchangeable to the bearer for the equivalent in silver, gold, bronze or copper bullions on demand.

Reform XXI: The Duty of Secular Conduct. No person may charge or accept any monetary emolument, fee, gift, or anything of value for performing the function of a priest or a minister of religion, of a counselor, or of a spiritual medium.

Reform XXII: The Duty of Civil Conduct. No person may charge or accept any monetary emolument, fee, gift, or anything of value for performing the function of an attorney or lawyer in any other capacity than as a government barrister at maritime, foreign or treaty law, or as a court bailiff or public Judge, or as a state notary or notary public.

Reform XXIII: The Duty of Mercantile Loyalty. No person, corporation, institution, or government body or authority shall surrender trade secrets by the submission to a coercion or requirement of any foreign power.

Reform XXIV: The Duty of Racial Responsibility. No resident or citizen shall conceive in liable foreknowledge of sickness or degeneracy. Nor shall any resident or citizen suffer the presence of any newborn in The Republic being born of a woman of White race whence begotten through interracial miscegenation.

Reform XXV: The Duty of The Security From An Enslaved Future. There shall be no phenotypic revolution in The Republic. Cyborgism and the replacement of Man by machines, or by persons subject to machines, shall not be permitted to take place in The Republic.

Reform XXVI: The Duty to The Iron Dream. Whereas each resident and citizen, secure in able fitness, shall enjoy the right to full and gainful adult employment in perpetuity of lasting good health, the right to the capacity for work must be protected by The State.

Such rights being guaranteed by all necessary measures of corporate and commercial levies, requirements, directives, regulation and expropriations, The State must ensure to each despoiled worker honorable work and a decent living in The Fascist-Industrial Community.

Reform XXVII: The Duty of Patriotic Provision. The People shall have the right to all such aid, protection, relief and provision by reason of race and kindred blood as may be afforded in time of war, disaster or other hardship.

Reform XXVIII: The Duty of Racial Protection. The right to life of healthy, unborn White children, beginning at conception, shall be upheld and enforced by The State and by Praetorian Authority.

Reform XXIX: The Duty of Racial Provision. Every gainly and befit male resident or citizen in The Republic shall have the right to sire healthy White offspring. This right shall be enjoyed from the moment of coming of age, and shall not be withheld or delayed to any point in later adulthood.

Reform XXX: The Duty to The Patriotic Nation. The State Praetor shall have and shall maintain the right to demand of all His countrymen their loyalty to The Race in The Republic and to the lawful administration of the constitution’s statutes.

All residents and citizens shall acknowledge the inalienable right of The Republic to exist as a Fascist State exclusively for the use and residence of the White Race, and shall refrain from all acts of national disloyalty, subversion or counter-revolution.
